Is an American made gas lens needed to fit every Furickcup except the ally 5 to a 9 or 20 torch. It is for a 3/32-2.4mm size tungsten but will a accommodate a 1/16-1.6 mm tungsten if the user installs a 1/16-1.6mm collet. If you already have this gas lens then purchasing this is not a necessity but it is recommended you have an American made gas lens. I have found over the years that imports give less then desirable results.
If you own a #17, #18, or # 26 torch you are going to need this modified torch adapter kit to make use of your Furick Cup FUPA #12, Moose Knuckle #14 or BBW #16 Cup kit. This Torch Kit not only allows you to mount the FURICK CUPS but you can mount any 9/20 style cup as well . The Torch Kit comes with one modified Stubby Gas Lens, one Insulator, one Collet and three O-rings all supplied to make installation of your new Furick Cup a breeze!